Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Getting feedback and staying organized

Hey everyone! So today in class we participated in a peer review/discussion of our individual portfolios. We were split up into groups of 4 or 5 and we all shared our ideas about our projects and how our progress is going. I really enjoyed this because it allowed us to get feedback from others and tips that could really help out our opening. After this activity Alexa and I got together and we basically planned out our shooting schedule:

Thursday- Go out and get everything we need for the film: fake blood, fake body parts, white sheets, fake blonde hair, glass jars, big white t-shirt

Sunday- We do set design basically and then film the kidnapper's lair scene

Next week- Film the car scene opening

We figured that planning out what we are going to do each day will keep us organized and on track, so we won't fall behind and be all over the place. We also decided to start filming early because then we will have a boat load of time to edit the video so it will be the best darn film opening you'll ever see( well at least the best one you've seen made by two 16/17 year old girls with no real raw talent). I also researched some benefits of planning out a shooting schedule online and found that creating a calendar when filming is basically your best friend because it allows you to see visually what day your doing what and it is just another way to be organized.

"The Art of Scheduling a Film." Dummies. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Mar. 2017

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